By the time you read this, the world’s Internet users will have generated, downloaded, uploaded or exchanged about 3 million gigabytes of information.

That’s about 48,000 gigabytes every second.

The Internet is getting bigger, faster and more essential to daily life and business all the time.

There’s hardly any business or government service now that isn’t dependent in some way on the Internet.

But where there’s opportunity, there’s also threat.

That’s why C-COR has becomes the regional representative for Secure64, provider of the world’s most secure DNS, available on two platforms, including their Military Grade Appliance.

We’ve partnered with Secure64 because after extensive research and testing, we determined that they can give our clients unparalleled security against the latest generation of cyber threats.

Together, we can offer a hardened, kernel built-in Intel based chipset called Itanium, which is partnered with the Secure64 operating system, SourceT.  SourceT takes advantage of the security features of the Itanium chip to eliminate all paths to malware injection and execution, and includes protection against high-volume DDoS attacks in the network stack.  Itanium & SourceT power Secure64 DNS Authority, Secure64 DNS Cache and Secure64 DNS Signer, a DNSSEC signing server.

This military-grade hardware-secured architecture specifically guards against DNS attacks and virtually eliminates DNS vulnerability – and is immune to the recent hardware vulnerabilities of Meltdown and Spectre.

That means you can offer clients 100% peace of mind that they won’t compromise their private data by doing business with you. Do you worry about the next cyber-attack?