Millimeter wave radios use ultra-high spectrum frequencies in the 60, 70 and 80 GHz bands to transmit data. These high frequencies are free from interference and congestion and have very wide channels, allowing multiple gigabits per second to Gigabit-to-the-Home (GTTH) networks.
This spectrum is exceptionally well suited to the GTTH environment since it enables delivering multi-gigabit capacity at a very low cost. The radios can be installed on rooftops, towers, building facades, residential homes, as well as at street-level locations to connect buildings to existing fibre, in an HFW (Hybrid Fibre Wireless) network.
HFW is set to revolutionise GTTH availability by providing fibre-like wireless technology for the last task of network construction: lateral construction, drop installation and outside plant construction on private and on public property.
The business case looks attractive.
Read more: C-COR Hybrid-Fibre Wireless